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We are working on several exciting stuff, such as:

Automatic fast server-based processing. To enable the uploading of scans here and run them through automated GPU-assisted processing in the cloud. The result will then quickly be presented to the segmentation editor where you will be able to do any needed corrections.

Database dashboard. Show earlier processing work and be able to access previously used data. Also create links to download processed data from tools that take longer time to compute, such as FSL, SPM, and most notably Freesurfer.

Here are some MedSeg functions which are otherwise not documented among other keybindings. Hold the mouse over the medical image data to use:

  • * = when held over a segmented island, this removes all other islands of the same label.
  • Shift + * = Same, but for the whole volume (keeps only the connected 3d island). Be careful if you have spent some time on a segmentation as there is no undo for 3d.
  • Ctrl + z = Undo once – for 2d segmentation.
  • < = fill function. Works with threshold.
  • i = info about the image volume data within the pointer.
  • F1 = info about image volume data in general (slices, pixel dimensions, rows, columns…).
  • A/D = change the opacity of pointer. It also works with DeepGrow activated.
  • Up/Down buttons as an alternative for scrolling.

Get in reach with us at if you need help with troubleshooting or have any ideas for improvement.

Best regards,
The MedSeg team